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Original equipment

Global Solutions Provider’s technologies and ideas are realized in modular, block-modular and assembled systems and are widely used for water & wastewater treatment facilities. For biologic purification of domestic and municipal wastewater from organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus GSP-Project Ltd Company uses the newest technologies and equipment that provides high quality of effluents, high efficiency and small volume of constructions.

GSP-Project Ltd  technologies  are  realized  in  modular,  block-modular  and  assembled  units and  are  widely  used  for  water & wastewater  treatment  facilities.  Achievement  of  quality  satisfying  the  requirements  specified  for  discharge  into  the  ponds  of  1st  category...


High efficiency mechanical filters are meant to separate the solids with dimensions over 1,5 mm, sediment from primary sedimentation and active sludge after secondary sedimentation from wastewater. The efficiency of suspended substance treatment is about 20-23%. Use of mechanical filters guarantees...


Sludge filters are meant for dewatering and sediment packing on water treatment and wastewater treatment systems. Sludge filter is a system with reservoir and tubes where filter-packets are fixated. Use of sludge filters for dewatering sediment allow to avoid the use of sludge drying sites and reduces...


Preparation and dispensing of coagulating agents, flocculation agents and other reagents for water treatment. Assemblage of polymer’s preparation and dispensing unit consists of: cylinder for polymeric powder, mixing tank, propeller mixer, lift pump, dispensing tank, dispensing pump, control board...


Penstocks are commonly used in water management systems such as surface water drainage and foul water sewers. Penstocks provide a means of isolation of flows. Penstocks consist of body made of steel or stainless steel, body and handling screw enlarged, tight joint of blade and layer due to angles...


Pumping stations in sewage collection systems, also called lift stations, are normally designed to handle raw sewage that is fed from underground gravity pipelines (pipes that are sloped so that a liquid can flow in one direction under gravity). SPS stations are produces factory assembled. In accordance...


Our modular containers are a flexible solution at an affordable price designed individually for water and wastewater treatment. The modular structure is based on containers, products of advanced technologies and contemporary designs. They are made of metal structure complying with the energy efficiency...
