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Integrated Solutions

One of the areas of GSP-Project Ltd activity is the engineering of WWTP and the conduct of industrial and environmental expertise. Including audit, optimization of treatment facilities, commissioning, development of feasibility studies, fore-projects and reconstruction projects.


A typical municipal sewage treatment plant in an industrialized country may include primary treatment to remove solid material, secondary treatment to digest dissolved and suspended organic material as well as the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus, and – sometimes but not always – disinfection to kill Pathogenic Bacteria. The sewage sludge that is produced in sewage


Upgrading a wastewater treatment plant may be necessary to meet the existing effluent quality and/or to meet the stricter future effluent quality requirements and/or to increase its capacity because of population growth or sewerage expansion to serve more areas. Inability to meet the existing effluent quality may result from lack of proper plant operation and


If you have a task of reconstruction project or modernization of wastewater treatment facilities GSP-Project Ltd company’s specialists are ready to support you at every phase of reconstruction. Full or partial reconstruction or modernization of wastewater treatment plants is a complex engineering challenge requiring high proficiency at all phases


Efficient work of water supply and water disposal engineering buildings depends on many factors and successful measures implementation of cycles, starting from formulation of a task till the completion of the project. Our preconstruction services ensure maximum return on investment and include planning and coordination, procurement


Wastewater treatment plants are large non-linear systems subject to large perturbations in flow and load, together with uncertainties concerning the composition of the incoming wastewater. Nevertheless these plants have to be operated continuously, meeting stricter and stricter regulations. As the environmental legislations imposing stricter effluent standards


GSP-Project Ltd has a team of highly qualified specialists with long experience in the design, installation, implementation of new technologies, automation, comissioning and start up SCADA systems. Our experienced team works with you to design, source, install and monitor complete solutions including control panels with full monitoring systems